Starring Tom cruise, Alex kurtzman done a good work. Tom cruise justified his role and acts tremendously. Sofia Boutelia as Ahmanet also acts very well. Storyline is good but its slow. Computer CGI are becoming better and better everyday. So no one can complain about CGI.
So Nick ( Tom cruise) is a spy who is looking for something precious treasure. But accidently he finds a grave of an ancient mummy and become cruised. And all evil things started. He surprisingly alive after dying in airplane crash. Then he come to know that he is cursed now. A doctor or scientist Henry jekyll who is also cursing with little same situation looks like helping him. But actually I was confused he was a mummy or what. It was confusing. Let me know if someone knows anything about it. After that he fights with evil mummy and killed her. But remain cursed for ever.
All fight scenes are good in this movie. Airplane crash scene is the most amazing scene in this movie. I have seen the making of that scene. Director work hard to complete these amazing shots. Jake Johnson added some humor in movie as died funny cursed spirit.
The director ends movies with a suspense showing Nick as cursed superhero. I dont know if he is going to make second part of it.
I like this movie expecting slow storyline. If you are mummy movied fan you can watch it. For me ita an average movie.