Arnab Goswamy hosts this show every alternate night during prime time. I have to confide that when I watched his show for the first time few years ago I felt awkward watching him bully the co-panelists. I couldnt believe that someone in India is openly daring to ask hard, uncomfortable questions to the panelists somewhat belonging to the establishment.
To be very honest I never was a big fan of watching TV because entire source of entertainment and information comes from Internet but Arnab made me watch his news show because it was very informative. There has been days when after watching his debates I felt that he has went overboard on small issues or the issues that should not be hyped up so much in comparison to the other important matters. I will give him the benefit of the doubt because no one I mean NO ONE matches the intensity of Arnab as a journalist.
The reason I like Arnab is because he doesnt look at issues based on religion or political affiliation, he raises his voice on every issue that matters to the nation and the best part is he backs his opinions with amazing researched facts. You can disagree with his style of debate but you cant call him bias. He is not even on twitter though his channel is the promoter of hashtags in India.
It is a good sign that his channel is the most watched show by miles and till he keeps taking issues for common man. As an Indian citizen I want a journalist who takes on all political and religious extremists as well as expose the corruption across bureaucrats and elected representatives with facts and not just opinions and Arnab Goswamy checks all these boxes. For me Rajdeep Sardesai of India Today is also doing a great job by showing both sides of the raised matters but still has some way to go to match Arnab in keeping the viewers engaged or addictive to his shows.