Last weak I watch the movie stree which was a horror movie, similarly, The NUN is also a horror movie better than the previous one. I liked the movie very much. This movie is the next series of the previous Hollywood movie CONJURING. This film is the most horror and suspicious movie of this series.
The movie started with a place Romania, s nun aby. Where two of the NUN is running fastly in a suspicious manner on a secret path where one of the nun disappears in a dark room and the other nun suicide from a window. The story of Romania goes to Vatican city.
In that city, a spiritual guru wants to know the actual story of this condition so they say Damian vicher to go to Romania to know the entire story. In such a way story go ahead.
The story plotting is very fine and very suspicious which gives excitement at every step. So it gives thrilling condition to us. which is the real sense of a horror movie.
The director has tried to keep suspense in the whole movie for the horror lover audience.
The interior and special effect of nun by has given the thrilling condition in the movie.
The script of the movie is very tight so it keeps us curious in the next situation.
Tesa faminga has done a beautiful acting. Especially in the climax, the acting was superb. Morris has also entertained us.
As we know that the background music of a horror movie plays a great role. So the music has entertained us a lot.
The movie is the real entertainer for horror movie lover.
I will recommend seeing this movie in the theatre.