I have loved this book because of so many reasons,
Primary reason was the tag line <3
How long does it take to heal a broken heart? Can you ever forget that one perfect relationship you had?
Second, the way the author described each and every emotion was beautiful
She touched heart with her words. She described that feeling of sacrifice of a girl who is stuck in her family and still cannot love her guy any less.
Thirdly, the emotion of being forced for having babies and then only life for a girl will be perfect.
She had perfectly detailed and described how families and in laws expect you to always do a little extra.
On the other hand, there is Aman the lead hero of the story, who was so in love with the girl that he had carried her in his heart even abroad. The dignity and respect he carried for his friends wife even after she continuously hitting on him.
All in all, a story with morals, feelings, respect and LOVE:)