Did anyone watch Aishwarya on the Oprah show recently? Heres the gist of what happened. After fawning all over her and telling her that she is the most beautiful woman on the planet (which is what like the zillionth time someone has told Ash that??) Oprah asks her, ahem, I think you look gorgeous. Do you see that when u look at yourself? Ashs premeditated most intelligent response, hold ur breath now, To me beautiful is as beautiful does. Its not about the apparent gig (or some crap like that). Its about what you do. Thank god, she didnt go into a loop with that one. But what the hell does that even mean? Anyone???
When Oprah asked her why there was no sex or even kissing in her movies, Ms.World said, We come from the land of Kama Sutra. ...Kissing is more of a private expression. Art imitates life and that kinda comes across in our cinema as well. Millions of blistering blue barnacles! WHAAAT??? What does that have to do with kissing in movies? Oh please like they make Raja Harishchandra kinda movies these days that require no physical contact between the lead pair. Who are u trying to fool, Ash? Agreed she is leagues ahead of the Mallika Sherawats and Neha Dhupias, but cmon she isnt making Meerabai or Sati Sakkubai!
And this is a gem. Oprah asked her, .....we were talking to French women at a cafe and they think American women are fat. Ash responded, I am from India, Indian people eat well, we are well-endowed. Once again, WHAT????
I could not believe that our most precious ambassador could go off on a tangent on almost every question. Did she think people wouldnt notice if she used good vocab to mask basic unintelligent responses??? Here is a woman, who has been exposed to the best of the worlds, achieved phenomenal success at a young age and captured the imagination of people all over the world, yet when she gets an international platform, she just goes and babbles all over the place!
And this wasnt a one-timer, she did the same thing on Dave Lettermans show. Everyone knows that the Late Show with Letterman is a humorous late night talk show, where no one takes themselves too seriously. But not our princess. She went on and on about how living with your parents is sooo cool and so forth, much to the entertainment of Letterman, who couldnt keep a straight face.
Ditto with her appearance on 60 Minutes on CBS. My brother, who is one of her most ardent fans, says he couldnt watch her for more than 3 minutes, because she made a complete fool of herself with her responses. She was apparently too boring even for someone who knows her and her work! I didnt watch it so I cannot comment, but I did watch her on Koffee with Karan, and Oprah and Letterman, so I kinda got the idea!
I have nothing against her nor am I insecure about her beauty, but she is just too stuck-up and self-conscious. I would like to see her relax and be funny, but then again, may be she is not wired that way! And until she does that, I am swearing off her interviews completely and staying away from her movies too. I dont think she is much of an actress anyway.