I am really very thankful to the guy who invented Remote Control and more so to him who invented the channel up and down key, while trying to sleep during the afternoon hours right after lunch, I just happen to trip to Star World and guess what - I tripped on Oprah Winfrey Show. What she was showing hooked me on and this is what I watched.
Reel Life Heroes Watching and Praising Real Life Heroes.
This episode must be a year or so old, since they were talking about the release of SpiderMan 2 with Toby McGuire and Kirsten Dunst as their Guests. It was really wonderful to see them both onscreen together - apart from watching them in the movie. Toby looks real cute and Kirsten is damn beautiful than how she looks in the movies.
Once their Interview is finished and the public knows all about the forthcoming SpiderMan 2, Oprah starts with the real life heroes of Today as she usually does in her all shows. Forgive me for not remembering their names properly. They were 4 real kool kids they had met today because of the outstanding achievements done in the real life.
Kid 1 : This kid was hardly 8-9 years Old, but he saved his parents by being run over by the family SUV, they were having a picnic time somewhere when suddenly he saw the truck running towards them, I missed some part of it, but later on came to know that while saving the truck slamming into his parents he did something and in return got himself injured, although the injuries were not fatal, but he got his legs fractured in the incident, later on being asked - who his Idol is? He told that He likes Arnold Schwarzenegger and guess what - they did arranged for Arnold Schwarzenegger to visit the kid at his home with a Bravery Certificate from the Governor of State of California being himself. The expressions on the kids face while Arnold walks into his home are worth watching.
Kid 2 : Same age, looks like under 8, He is crippled from his birth, has almost 6 Inches hands and Legs bent right below the waist line, He cant walk and cant use his hands either. But his determination has to be looked into, he wants to be a basket / baseball player, he does plays both the games, Basket Ball he plays while sitting on an electric wheel chair and baseball on his own, I cudnt stop my tears by seeing this kid running for a run on baseball field on those crippled legs and completing it. Guess what Oprah does for this kid while he comes to the studio, She makes him meet his base ball Idol, one of the Worlds most known Baseball player, who does comes to the studio and tells him that he is on the verge of retirement and is gifting his legendary bat to this kid, Once again the expressions on the kids face and the audiences is worth watching.
Kid 3 : 8 year Old Kid, suffering from Acute Cancer, raising money for Cancer Research, You cant guess how much money this kid have raised in 4 years of his life - by selling lemonade ??? Take a wild guess ? Kid has been making and selling Lemonade since the age of 4, Obviously with the help of near and dear ones, He has more than 200+ Lemonade centers these days all across USA in the name of Alexs Lemonade, and till date he has raised something like $200, 000 in last 4 years, the most expensive being $500 a Glass (Which was sold to some celebrity).
Kid 4 : He is the most aged amongst these kids - being a Teenager, While on a Cruise with couple of his friends he saved the life of a estranged Diver who had drifted too far from his own boat and whos been just hanging on to his Oxygen Cylinder in freezing water with a whistle in his mouth - praying to god that he doesn’t wants to die. Being located by this kid and saved. This guy who looks to be in the mid Forties does comes to meet the kid in the show itself and thanks him for saving his life on that fateful day.
The Big Prize : It came to me as a surprise - Since I am not a regular for Oprah Shows, She announced that each of these real life heroes and their families will fly down to LA to watch the Premiere of SpiderMan 2 at her cost.
The best thing :Toby McGuire, Kirsten Dunsts expressions while watching the kids interviews, you could have seen Kirstens eyes going wet on almost all occasions, Arnold walking in kids home to surprise him, presenting him the certificate and that Great BaseBall Player flying down to Oprahs show to meet the kid and present him with one of his most cherished possessions, is something really appreciable.
I am sure you will forgive me for whatever mistakes I have committed in writing this review.
Ratings and comments are more than welcome - As Always