This was THE STUPIDEST THING TO WATCH. I was so Sharukhs outer life only Temptations concert? That is all that was in the dvd...the temptations concert....mostly backstage...yeah crappy promotion guys. I dont think all shahrukh does outside his home is a stupid concert. it was really nothing I expected.
i havent seen the inner world...because I saw this one first and I didnt find it worth it to see the other.
All you learn from this dvd is that Priyanca Chopra and Priety Zinta are real bimbos and dumbos. They were sitting in the car in this one scene and found it so totally awkward and amusing to find a mirror inside the of those attached light up mirros when you pull it down. I was like JESUS...u retards have u never sat in acar before?
Shahrukh was hanging out with arjun adn all backstage for most of the was very boring.....i fast forwarded the last half and didnt mss anything.
Dont watch this....u will get a bad headache and not know anything about Shahrukh