The ratings of this movie are a perfect example of how such critic driven forums can often be misleading to the average moviegoer.
When I reviewed "The original" pink panther I wrote about how the movie was well beyond its sell by date. When I reviewed the new pink panther I realised how right I was and how steve martin and the new guys have put so much more effort into the new movie.
But what I still cant over is the fact THAT WHAT(THE ORIGINAL) WAS CONSIDERED AS CHEESY LOUD AND TASTELESS BACK THEN IS NOW THE TOAST OF THE CRITICS and somehow when they watch "a new take(probably only a few characters are shared)" AND NOT A REMAKE FROM ANY ANGLE, of the same movie they expect something special, (and by special they mean humour only fellow critics will get). Proves that "YESTERDAYS OLD S#*T BECOMES TOMMOROWS PRICELESS ANTIQUE".
I sensibly expected a honest, slapstick family comedy that had something for everyone and thats exactly what I got. In fact when I saw the ratings I even scaled down my expectations and ended up enjoying this film much more, I honestly hope that im misled about a few more movies by this forum. The acting from the entire cast was superb in whatever little or large role they had.
YES FINE TALENT WAS GIVEN VERY LITTLE TO DO, but we can either keep whining about that, or be happy that they performed well in whatever they did.(The critics would love a 4 hour extravaganza with loads of character building, if they really want that then go see brokeback mountain, EVEN THE ORIGINAL WHICH THEY HOLD IN SUCH HIGH ESTEEM HAD NONE OF IT). Steve Martin was simply superb, however you feel a bit of overexposure to him and they could have well diverted some MORE attention away from him given the fine cast. YES HE Isnt PETER SELLERS, if you want him then go watch the originals you fools.
The humour is great although in the attempt of making everyone happy you have some jokes that are too childish and others that shouldnt actually be told to children. Once again I felt let down by the lack of exploitation of stereotypes, everyone expects at least some amount of them in movies and by purposefully not fully exploiting them the movie missed out on quite a few tricks. The story was good. BUT ONCE AGAIN WAS SO PREDICTABLE THAT ANYONE WHOS CROSSED THE AGE OF 10 WILL MAKE A VERY ACCURATE GUESS ABOUT THE EVENTUAL OUTCOMES. And even though this movie has lots of funny scenes it really lacks that one really big one that many expect from a movie, a few scenes come close but none emerge as winners.
In all this is a movie that doesnt promise much but does what it was meant to do in the first place. Which is to provide good entertainment to all age groups with minimum fuss and runtime. So what the hell else did you expect?!!. -s tries to please everyone and hence has some jokes not suitable to everyone, VERY VERY PREDICTABLE, LACKS THE REALLY BIG SCENES. +/-s much talent was wasted. +s superb job all around especially from martin, something for everyone, DOES WHAT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO DO. total 8/10(this is considering that it exceeded my wrong low expectations, on absolute terms its more of a 7 but given its much undeserved low rating I decided to stick to 8).