‘The Pirates: Band of Misfits” is a brilliantly hilarious movie from the people who made Chicken Run. I always thought Chicken Run, couldn’t be topped but Pirates has done it… This movie is a laugh-a-minute riot!
Sprinkled with real Historical characters like the Queen and Sir Charles Darwin himself, spiced with interesting sub-plots like Darwin’s secret crush on the Queen, and cooked to animatic perfection, it is a gourmet experience, fit for …. ummmm a queen J
This movie also reveals how those dotted-markers on maps, depicting Air & sea routes are actually made. U gotta see it to know it;-)
And what person of Desi-origin wouldn’t adore the fact that the main villain of the movie is Queen Victoria of England LOL…and that she can jump out of her heavily-vaulted chastity skirt and launch a vicious Kill-Bill style fight sequence, when all politics fail… ROFL .and that she eats endangered species for lunch. ROFLM@
The biggest draw is Darwin’s sidekick/butler/cronie . a super-evolved Primate named Bobo who communicates using only cue-cards…and gets the most votes for indescribable cuteness.
In one scene, Bobo accidentally uses a bigger Font cue-card(yell)… but then switches to a smaller Font cue-card(whisper)… lest it wake up the guests…LoL! Now is that super-smart humor or wot?
Ticklingly ironic fact: One of the Pirates(referred to as ‘The Surprisingly Curvaceous Pirate’) is actually a female(disguised as a guy)… a fact made painfully obvious to us throughout the movie, yet the all-male Pirate crew remains clueless.
The main selling points are the classy humor and cheeky characterizations, coupled with the coolest stop-animation, which(due to its sheer simplicity) has such an old-world charm, which the best CGI techies will not be able to mimic.
This outstanding movie is very obviously a painstakingly crafted labor of love, and it shows in the final product. If at the end of this precious movie, you don’t find yourself clapping with mad joy, you need to have your pulse checked.
Favorite voice-overs: Salma Hayek as ‘The’ smoldering Cutlass, Hugh Grant as the lovably ingenious Pirate Captain(with a heart of gold) and of course Bobo as Bobo himself J