Hi guys, The author reiterates many times the impact your subconscious mind can make if you know how to use its powerfull. the book tells you about how one can use his/her subconscious mind to have healthy relationships, be happy, to remove mental blocks and fears. And there are many other aspects it touches throughout. The book stars with the explanation how this book can help you and reason behind why the author decides to write this book . then it tells how your mind works, and then it provides practical solution to use the power of the subconscious mind by giving example of different kind of people who have applied the methods mentioned in the book. As I said it provides practical solution, you will not get benefited from this book unless you apply what the author has told. Dont buy this book for just the shake of reading a new book, buy it when you truly want to understand how the subconscious mind works and the power it possesses. you might have to reread this book several times in order to inculcate its methods deeply and once you have correctly applied its method you will get results, not immediately but eventually you will.
Enjoyed reading this book.
thank you