The Power of your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy I just happened to come across this book at my friends place. After reading few pages I could not put down the book. I had to buy a copy for my own use - yes USE. Thoughts can move mountains...! Dont believe it? Then read this book... Its a great self help book. Its different from other books as it encompasses the techniques to be followed within the incidents and stories. To what extent it is useful is again best answered by the individual reader but it definitely increases your self confidence. It talks about the infinite power within you.
At no point the book feels boring or meaning less (many self help books do!). I think its a book meant for every individual. It is all about the thoughts positive / negative (not just the oft. used positive thinking jargon) that circulates in your mind and their effect on the actual out-come of the real life events. So read the book and savor the positive outcomes of your true thoughts. : -) bye Somashekhar Paple