Last year around month of April, 2017, i had a package to sent to Lucknow(as far as I could recollect)and as there was an office of Professional courier near my house in Mysore, i handed over the package to them. I did not keep the consignment number as felt that it would get delivered. But unfortunately even after seven days, it did not get delivered and so I approached the concerned office and enquired. As I was not having the consignment number, i was told that they could not help. I told them to check their records at the office.The response wasall the records are sent to the corporate office and so cannot trace it manually. I wanted to submit a complaint but that too was not accepted.Actually the manager when ever I went was absent and only one lady I found at the reception desk.When I wanted to submit the complaint, the lady called up the manager who asked her not to accept the complaint. Ironically, even at their website if you desire to lodge a complaint then without giving the consignment number, nobody could raise a complaint. WANT TO MAKE OTHERS AWARE OF THESE GOINGS ON IN PROFESSIONAL COURIER SO THAT NOBODY IS PUT TO INCONVENIENCE