Please avoid Professional Couriers. They are the worst service I have encountered. They never deliver in time. Their Calicut Delivery office insisted on me to go to their office and collect my National Geographic Magazine.
I refused to go to their office and collect the consignment, but wrote to IBH Magazine Services, Mumbai who handles my National Geographic subscription. They were very prompt and assured me that my Magazine will be hand delivered and they are making alternate arrangements.
These fellows have a habit of calling our residence phone and asking us to go over to their local office and collect documents etc. from them, instead of deliverying the items at consignees address. I dont understand why Banks like AXIS BANK engage their services. I have written to AXIS BANK never to send my documents through Professional Couriers.
They get corporate business promising efficient services, but is least concerned with good customer service. The people who handle their branches are often crude and quite un-professional ones. How can they call them PROFESSIONAL Couriers, where as they resort to quite un-professional deeds in business. My Adivce is to avoid using this courier service. If you get any corporate mails through them and is not satisfied with prompt delivery, please write to the consignor not to use this courier service for sending items to you.