How often do you think about other peoples success? What drives them?
Is it just luck or a long job? The films history is based on Chris Gardners past. This man went from unemployed to a millionaire, thereby inspiring the authors to tell about this unique person.
Plot. Chris and Linda live in a small rented apartment and have a son. Linda works in a dead-end laundry job, while Chris sells densitometers.
Every day, their debts are growing, and the tension in the relationship is heating up more and more. Chris decides to do an internship at a brokerage firm, but it is not paid, and it lasts 6 months .
This time Will Smith was frankly lucky with the role, and he played it, without exaggeration, brilliantly, there is no doubt. The contrasting and juicy picture all but pleases, and the moment with the Rubiks Cube can impress any viewer. However, there is one bigbut: sometimes it becomes terribly boring. 40% of the tape consists of the hunt for the missing densitometers, another 40% - of the eternal running and trips around the city, and the remaining 20% are boring dialogues and reflections of the protagonist. I understand that it is difficult to saturate a biographical drama with interesting events, but this issue was really not approached in the best way.
The bottom line. The idea of the film was good, but the implementation let us down. The main focus here is on the material side of life, and not on spiritual development and self-improvement.
Can you be happy without a lot of money in your pockets? Sure! The painting is in no hurry to agree with this formulation and tries to impose a diametrically opposite opinion.
6 out of 10
(40%), it was interesting to look at the son of Smith. Taking care of children is the sacred duty of any parent .