The most inspiring movie I have ever seen in my life, this movies taught me to keep going in every condition, because after every rise there is a fall, so that you can rise up again. which means fall is nothing but a chance a prove your metals by rising up again. the movie teaches that there is no age of learning, if you can manage your studies and work at the same time then you can excel in any condition.
The movie is about Chris Gardner, who is salesmen by profession, who invests many years of his life in selling bone density scanners, which was a luxury but a non productive equipment in view of many doctors and hospitals. but he ends up with nothing, even his wife was frustrated from burden of livelihood and decides to leave him and move to new york. chris starts his new life as an intern at a stockbroking firm and sells the remaining bone density scanners in order to earn groceries for every month. regardless of his all the challenges, he never reveals his circumstances to any of his colleagues, even going so far as to lend one of his bosses five dollar for a cab fare, a sum that he could not even afford. the EPILOGUE reveals that gardner went on to form his own multi million-dollar brokerage firm.
will smith acted phenomenally well. jaden smith as christopher gardner was again amazing, specially in the scene when he losses the only toy he had, the scene was very emotional.
sound track by kud cudi was good but could have been even better I guess. but few lines are just amazing. like everything that shines aint always gonna be gold, il be fine once I get it, ill be good.
Cinematography by phedon papamichael was above benchmark.
last note- please watch the movie if you havent and also reply in comment that lesson you got from the movie. thanks.