I loved this movie. Wish I could go see it again in theaters.(This time I dont want to sit in the very front row.) It wasnt that bad though, sitting in the front. My head was turning left and right, eyes going back and forth from each side of the screen. It was vast, beautiful, and breathtaking. This is the kind of movies I want to make. Something that takes your breath away. Whether it be from the performance of an actor or the influence of the setting. I want to capture great things. Finally feel Im growing as a filmmaker. Its that next step. I pray 2016 will be full of new experiences that can continue to propel me forward.Brilliant but tough to watch, especially for vegetarians I think!
If Leo doesnt win an Oscar, I will FREAK out!
Not to sound like a nerdy sound engineer but did anyone else think the sound was mixed a bit strange. Maybe it was just the cinema I was in but the female whispers sounded really odd to me as did the voices in the background panning to the front!