>Alcatraz prison does that ring a bell ? supposedly the most difficult prison to break out from and when some one does naturally it brings him fame sometimes undesired and so there you have it
Recipe for a great entertainment
Take a vintage sean connery ( in a delightful role ) and stir up real nice add a little bit of nicholas cage as a taste enhancer put it to boil and in between keep adding spicy ingreidents like missiles and deadly gas and soldiers vs marines the toughest fittest men agianstv each other sit it hard and serve piping hot
and what do u have??? a spicy dish called the rock
before u think that this man is on a triple enthu mode yes I mean I have always admired sean connery who like old wine only gets better with age and then nicholas cage who I bel is one of the finest actors we have ( I bel that nicholas cage actually ate a cockroach for one of his movies ..) and the rock gives me an oppurtunity to watch both of them in a single movie and put in a sopt of action and u have a movies called the rock
Now why is the movie called the rock no it does not star the man called the rock in wwe it is called so cos the rock is a nickname for one of the best secure prisons in the world ALCATRAZ loacted in the midst of water ......
The rock was famous cos no prisoner had ever escaped from the rock and if he did did not live to boast about it ........
with this backdrop let me introduce you to mason an british secret agent trained by the best in the business MI 5 the spy agency AND SAS one of the best commando units around ...
Mason has been imprisioned for 30 years without even a trial by the FBI cos he stole a secret microfilm contaning info about americas most intimate secrets he is caught and thrown into a jail..........the most famous and stringent jail : the Rock
and now let me introduce you to a general also commanmding a highly regarded commando foce the marines the part is played by ED harris.The general is disgusted with the system cos compensation has not been paid to his men who fought bravely in the gulf war .he decides to use force to obtain the compensation deserved fopr the families of the soldiers killed in action .........and he first steals a secret nerve gas weapon which can be launched on a warhead and then he just takesr over alcatraz and aims the weapons towards the city ....
simple isnt it ......??
The villian here is just a man who is angry at being cheated by the government a man who has watched his best men die for nothoing a highly respected war hero .....
And now allow me to introduce to you a chemical whiz kd called Stanley goodspeed ..played well by nicholas cage ..
a man who knowas more about the nerve gas than anyone elese and man who cant even swim forget about being tough like a commando. The man who throws up when he hears that he has to accompany the commandos on the mission why ? cos he is the living expert on the deadly nerve gas and he has absolutely not the remotest exp of any such mission not even the simulation ones .....
The commandos cant break into alcatraz because they are dealing with their own people remember people who are just as skilled and clever as they are and the question is just how do they enter alcatraz ??
into the picture comes mason who is the only living man who has broken out of alcatraz although he was captured ....who is told that he will be set free after 30 years of imprisionment without a trail too
the thing is can he be trusted to guide the anti terrorist team properly or will he escape at the first oppurtunity and will the government free him cos he still has the microfilm contaning theri most intimate secret....
to cut the story short all the members of the anti terrorist team is killed as they are discovered from a high altitude position and that is always deadly for a commando team
mason manges to lead the team into alcatraz through a secret path underwater
check out the way through which he gets into the prison its pretty intresting he memorises the timing of the movement of huge wheels that can crush a man and also the regular eruption of fire and hopes the timing has not benn changed
and then you have two survivors Nicholas cage who is not at all trained and a former spy who inspite of 30 years in prison is still clever and intelligent enough
Mason ( sean connery ) initially wants to escape but it is up to nicholas to stop and try to convine him about the lives on stake and must persuade him to try to complete the mission and on to top it all there are well trained soldiers in the oppposition who are still hunting them down .. what an unlikely pair this constitutes ...
do they make it? can they fight against an opposition that is better bigger stronger and fitter ?? can they save the city from utter devstation ??
well check the movie out to find
pros of the movie :
well the good chemistry between the lead actors is superb
sean connery is as good as he ever was
In an older role he looks as if he can save the bumbling stanley from trouble unlike in most movies here it is the older lead hero who is capale than the younger one .....
the thing I liked was that both the both the characters were not superhuman or built like stallone they were normal guys who were determined to complete the mission although both were thrown into it reluctantly ......
the action is good the plot is routine it is the chemistry between the lead actors that makes u wanna see the movie ..