this is my second review on mouthshut.picked up a vcd from lifestyle.the movieis titled THE being a big fan of robert deniro and all(taxi driver, heat, meet the fockers, parents, analyze this , that .....), picked up this movie.iwas aslo impressed by edward nortons acting in Primal fear where he fakes as having multiple personality disorder to get acquitted from committing a crime.other movies of his are italian job, hannibal etc....this is one movie ith a real heavy weight cast namely Robert deniro, Edward norton, Angela basett(who plays a small cameo), and Marlon Brando.
the plot goes like this.robert deniro plays nick wells whos the owner of a pub whos actually a professional thief who specializes in cracking safes. based in montreal.angela basett(diane) plays his love interest whom he wants to settle down with.Max (marlon brando ) plays his partner who has other plans for nick.heavily indebted to a major crime boss max needs to pull a major heist with help of novice thief Jack Teller (Edward Norton) who pretends work as a janitor in the montreal customs house .Jack fnds a sceptor worth 30 million stored in the customs house which seems lghtly guarded for its worth.jck, nick and max come together to plan a heist at the customs house to get the sceptor(which is similar to a walking stick made of gold and precious gems those held by KIngs)
nick reluctantly agrees to do th job having his suspicions on jack.Jack provides the maps and the route to the place where the sceptor is stored in the customs house and also a distraction.while nick goes about his job of stealing the clash of egos between jack and nick leads to nick stealing the sceptor for himself is the rest of the story.the scenes in which edward norton plays as a menatlly challenged shows his acting skills similar to the one he plays in primal fear.the movie has its shortcomings though , robert deniro is not his intense best and has not been used fullly, so is Angela Basett.Marlon Brandos acting as a french man is authentic.the movie has a lot of twists and turns in the plot and is fast paced making sure u will not ge bored.the director is Frank Oz whos done a decent job.this is a one of the better works of Robert Deniro but surely not one of his Best.
the cd cost me 200 bucks and was well worth it.(it also had three trailors of other movies)and its an HMV saregama production the disc of course!