Second Lady - by irving Walace. It is one of the first books I read, when I started some serious reading - that is after I came out of my Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew phase....
It is SUPERB...
The way Irwing Walace has build the characters, it is really amazing. And the PLOT - It is one of the Best Plots I have ever cannot keep this book down once you start reading it...
Generally, Irving Wallace, gives TONS and TONS of Details(og course they are based on Huge research..) like in THE PLOT or THE MAN or THE PRIZE...and at times this makes the reading slightly boring...
But not here...The pace in which the plot unfolds is amazing...and you have to work hard to keep in pace of the book...
Just imagine a Plot in which the First Lady of United States of America is replaced by an Actress who looks exactly like her...
It might sound like some Hindi movie(of course minus The President and the First Lady Dancing and Singing in the Gardens...)...but this IS something Great...
...And the END - it is really too Good...
You have to read this Book...