After three really good movies, versions of Clancy books ...there had to be that one lemon in the works........BUT WHY THIS ONE......... for a die-hard clancy fan like myself, who cant envision Jack Ryans role being played by anyone else other than Harrison Ford..........
Unlike the previous three clancy movies, this one was so way off the mark (factually speaking) from the book that Clancy wouldve had sufficient cause to file a passing - off lawsuit!!!!! ryans character for starters....... in the book hes supposed to be a middle-aged (40ish) inteligence operative ...... or working with the NSA I think...... with 3 kids.......
Anyway he definitely was not a young green-horn intelligence analyst with a girlfriend....... and this is just for starters......... CLANCY not watch this........... ull end up wanting to burn the CD....for non-clancy fans.............just another action flick........ the US getting nuked, and choclate-boy hero saving the day........
Afflecks performance is miserable (not surprising...... hes such a cold wonder JLo wants off him)........... direction is pathetic......... very much forgettable