This is a grt book. Absolutely loved this book! CB once again manages to connect very well, but more importantly, it got me thinking a bit as well. About the whole Gujarat riots thing. The characters are well-defined, and, in typical CB style, he examines the dynamics of friendship.
The bit in Australia got a lil bit stretched I think, but overall, way better than One night @ a call centre, and in the same league as Five point someone ;)
This book is good in parts.It somehow becomes a lot violent in the later part especially during the riots but the romance part is well handled.
3 mistakes is a CB book mind it! So u have 2 expect a lot of filmi stuff! But a nice story makes it a good read overall. There are places where youll find CB applying some of his "MBA from IIM-A" learnings in Govinds business.
But the Ali angle & their going to Australia was pretty cheeky! Am damn sure he even imagined how it would look while filming it in Bondi Beach!!! :D This book is a bit different in a way that it has more action, more drama & more darker angle (complete with gory murders & fighting scenes). But when you read the whole book, youll find it is a good one actually.
Yes the writing style may seem amateurish to some, but if you have to make a book a best-seller among millions of Indians, you hav got to be amateurish! and CB knows it very well. He cleverly mixes the masala in a way that the common masses can read and enjoy it!