This is not a review about one book of Chetan Bhagat - but a summary of his literary attempts!
*What is so good about him
*a) Made a niche for all IIT IIMs - even if they dont find a good job as per their aspiration, they can venture with literary works. Publishers started demanding IIT IIM tags now - Good that Ved Vyas is not born now - we would have placed 5 point some one in place of BhagavadGita. I bet, Ved Vyas will not be able to woo publishers. Now - even others like Ravi Subramanian(If God was a Banker) and many other IIM IITs have come up with their work
b) Popularised Desi English - and now those guys who were shying away from English started reading something - even if crap. Goodness - if you say that you never came across Three mistakes in a social gathering - well, you will be ostracised! Bhagatjis book became social status symbols like "Diabetes" "Blood Pressure" "Cholesterol" which is the result of affluance
And what else - How to write like Chetan Bhagat - Very simple
a) The theme should start with author and ends with him.(Except the first book this is his technique)
b) The story will be about friends
c) The narrator should be some one with average skills and there should be another one to make up his weakness. It is this dashing maverick who will fix things in the novel(Ryan, Vroom, Ishan in 5 point, One night & Three mistakes)
d) The narrator(protoganist?) of the story will definitely get a chance to have sex with a lady. There should be pictersque description about the same
e) Boy - Girl / Parent - Kid / Boss - Subordinate - Drama as toppings
Well - you are Chetan Bhagat now - who care grammar, sentence, structure. But above all - make it sure that you are passed out from IIM / IIT. If not, well - go to hell! You cannot write.
And sometimes make public appearance and make statements like " I dont care about sentence and grammar, I dont want respect, I want your love -"
Thats all friends! We deserve only what we get. We had a great tradition and hence could give birth to Vedas, Upanishads, Epics in past. Later on - we started consuming anything and everything.
No body want to commercialise simple Vada Pav or Kababs - but our status symbol syndrom really push us to Mac D / KFC - atleast you should know what is Burger, Filet o Fish -
So Bhagatji, congrats - you keep on giving us crap - we are there destined to read the same and salute you with out which we cant live in this society!