This is a novel written by Cecelia Ahern, one of my favourite author. In this novel she writes about Lucy Silchester, who has been still dwindling in the past life after her breakup with her ex-boyfriend. She has even lost her job and has cut connections with her family and friends. She is lost in her own world.
Then all of a sudden her "life" calls her for an appointment as it gets left out due to irresponsible behaviour of Lucy. It tries to make her realise about her worth. The two face a lot of obstacles in the process due to Lucys carelessness but eventually Lucy comes out of her past experiences and realises the truth about herself and her life.
This novel being a fictional one and as we cannot find any reality bound with it, it could not touch the hearts of the readers unlike her other novels. But the main thing it teaches us is that we have to value and respect our life. Afterall our happiness begins with us only!