I agree with Tester.
Times of India is not a newspaper that deserve too much of appreciation.
Odd pictures on front page is nothing but cheap way to increase readership. In today edition too there is a picture in the front page that does not send any positive msg. to the nation. This is cheap publicity.
I request readers of this comment to go to my homepage at
http://www.geocities.com/arunkumarroy and go to tool-room.
I have just added a speech of The Geat Abdul Kalaam. I request all Indians to read this speech. I recd. this speech from someone and found very powerful. In his speech, he has given an example that indicates the attitude of some overseas newspaper. I never thought he is such a geat orator.
TOI has to improve its news coverage and also its approach. Otherwise someone may move cheese store elsewhere.
I really does not loose anything if I do not read TOI and refer some other newspaper.
Ascent is the only part that is different than others. But it may be serving a small segment.
This is one of the reviews written when I was trying to learn the art of writing reviews.
As of today, I write better but I must acknowledge the efforts taken by some members to help me to write better.
This is a very short review with minimum information.
Thanks for reading the review.