I left reading Newspapers a long time back.. why? Not sure, probably to save some Money.. No probably it was coz I dint find anything important to read.. Apparently it was a good decision, considering the half hearted full page ads, I know I know, you have to sell it, but is so much of em needed? ..and to top it all off, N number of those horrendous articles.
A look at todays paper - Times of India err...
The city supplement.. MetroSexual, hypersexual and all kinds of luring articles which with a fair intent of luring a liberated crowd, though in my opinion it fails to capture the real essence of a NewsPaper. The best part of a newspaper should be its ability to motivate people. And with such an extent of really unnecessary news and sloppy articles, I hardly feel anyones getting motivated these days.
If we already have Thousands of those pretty annoying and entertaining (for some) news and videos flashing all over the internet, and the fresh edition of your daily Newspapers reads the same, wholl wanna buy a newspaper...
If a newspaper fails to barge upon its main plus points, which I think are the only reasons for its survival, .. and in todays times of e-paper and e-journals, I dont see much of a future for Newspapers.. unless it acts up..
Still, those occasional articles that are immensely well-written that sometimes pop up, are, well though rare, but they still survive..
The Good -
The best section for me is The Editorial, and yes, this still remains the same, with some really good articles, like in todays Times of India(Bangalore) this article "The parent trap" by Rupa Sengupta, was a superb write-up. If I read something waiting for my bike to be serviced, I automatically open up the editorial... and believe me, its worth it!
The Bad-
Bad, well I think theres nothing like bad when it comes to newspapers, Annoying would seem a right word, some weird news articles that make no sense, ads that creep up almost everywhere (cant help though, money = honey!), and degrading quality of articles. Matrimonials, are fun though, if you find time, do check em out, some of the criterions are hilarious! (No offence though! :))
Times Ascent was a good option Every wednesday used to be a blessing for job seekers, now I aint sure how many actually read this section..
The Ugly -
City supplements, except the Health related articles that is readable, all rubbish, its more like watching a Bollywood gossip show on Zoom television. Well, guess its all business, but I dont seem to find it amusing, considering TV and Internet is already full of it! Though, I would refrain from calling it a statement, but I think its all showbiz, and probably essential for selling.
It used to come up with some pretty decent articles, very enjoyable. But, it is degrading, and I see not many of those awesome articles coming up often. May be its time we had a better orientation.. Or is it just me... Hmmmm.. May be its time to change the DNA? I found it pretty impressive when my roomie got himself a subscription.
Overall - I still feel it has potential, though it needs to be up on its old regime soon, it still does a pretty good job... Lets hope it recovers...
Recommended? Yes, in the crowd of some even more useless papers, this ones atleast in the long run, provided it makes itself better!
A healthy push perhaps would put it back on track? Or will it.. I am not sure.. I left reading Newspapers a long time back!