I am used to reading Times Of India since 87. But for last 10 years, since the paper has turned COLOUR, I have stopped reading & started just browsing thru, because I find the paper no more informative.
I read this paper more for advertisements, not for news. I have lost interest in READING this paper due to its various (unnecessary) sections. Sunday Times Of India is the most Bakwaas paper.
I read only Ascent.
I also read Classified Ad.s
I also use the colour pages - to use as cover for my kids schoolbooks.
I dont remember having read the editorial for decades.
Its cricket coverage is ok, but the columists like Vijay Bombili have regional bias.
Thw only thing I like about this paper is the number of pages everyday. My wife is happy, because she sells the Raddi at the end of every month.
I prefer reading vernacular papers. Because they dont pretend to be torchbearers. Times Group is only after minting money. Nothing else.