I started reading Times Of India from 1993 ie when I was doing my 3rd sem engg.
I started buying this newspaper only on Saturdays , used to enjoy the supplements .(it was available for 1Re/-).
In my hostel they used to get Indian Express and not Times Of India.
For crazy news I used to read Times Of India, and for real news I used to read Indian Express. Deccan Herald was boring(:.
Although I started reading Times of India for crazy news, some how I became addicted to Times Of India and today I am a regular reader of Times Of India.
But, some how the qualilty of the news in Times Of India is changed and still not good compared to Indian Express. Like Indian Express TOI has not unearthed any major scams too. The front page news is very bad compared to any other news paper. It looks like TOI desperately puts something to fill up the front page . Kannada news paper front page news is very good compared to TOI.
Local news is also very less in TOI. It looks like TOI depends on out side people who is staying in Blore.
Sunday Times Of India s supplement is very bad, it looks like they realease supplement only for the advertizements.
But , even today I read this newspaper only for crazy news and for Blore affairs which comes in supplements.