The most pathetic supplement any newspaper could have is the Bombay Times. Just a glance at that dumb supplement and anyone would know what I mean.
Bombay as a city is bursting at its seams its infrastructure is crumbling, hawkers and local musclemen have taken the law into their own hands, the slumdwellers get free housing, at the cost of the average tax paying middle-class worker (while it takes him 15 years of his life to get one of his own!), all because they form the popular politicans vote bank, the bankruptcy caused by the corruption in the corporation and that runs this city...... You get the message..
With all our voluminous problems to deal with, all Bombay Times can focus on is the average low life high society celebrity! (As if they are even worth calling them that) Who wants to know which dumb models dating whom, whos eating out where and what the whole lot of them were upto in the bathroom at Chunky Pandeys parties. (Can you imagine they even get so far). If they insist on passing off crap like that, they should at least have the common sense not to call the supplement Bombay Times!!! Dumbay Times seems more apt!!
There are far more newsworthy articles in Bombay, why doesnt TOI focus on NGOs that actively work for the betterment of the city, not to mention hundreds of individuals really worth mentioning who have selflessly contributed their bit to society. Im sure the encouragement of their work being recognised in print would itself be a reward to such deserving individuals.
No newspaper without a conscience can survive for long, they have to guage the pulse of the people and evolve. TOI is no Microsoft so they can forget living off their monopolistic attitude.
One riddle before I go, whats the difference between the two monopolies Times of India and Microsoft?
Microsoft is indespensible!!!