I strongly recommend TOI for following people.
People who are bored by seeing pictures in Punjab Kesari.
People who dont have access to Fashion TV.
People who can watch MTV on in B/W TV.
People who have great satisfaction when their Kabadi wala gives them more money than what they are paying for their newspaper every month.
People who hate news.
Well, seriously, Times of India is a entertainment material for X-Gen, which is full of adult jokes, semi-porno material, which we cannot study publically.. in a normal household... environment.
Most people who have subscribed to TOI, get the paper, quickly reads some main sections of paper and then hide sheets somewhere, which is hidden from young ones at home...
Another thing I dislike is the recent TOI campaign (101% Dilli), where they have huge posters, banners, advertisements to display negative points of Delhi and our country... like crossing redlights, eating too much etc etc...You have no business to publicise our negative points to the world... STOP THIS.. Do comment on what you think about this and similar other newspapers.