(While reading this review, please do not misunderstand me. I have just expressed my honest and sincere opinion as per my observations.)
Since the past few years, I have noticed drastic changes in THE TIMES OF INDIA (TOI). It seems that the editor as well is simply out of ideas and follows the hype surrounding it and the media creating it. (I am talking of both its supplements as well as the front pages etc)
First of all, the language TOI uses at times is often funky or rather being specific AMERICANIZED!!!
Most of the reviews contain such kind of language, which has made it superficial…infact quite boring!
It is a sad state indeed to see a newspaper devoting reams of its paper to unnecessary articles, bollywood, photos of idle socialites partying and celebrities kissing their respective girlfriends etc. (The list of my grievances seems endless!!!)
The question of immorality does not arise here (and can be kept aside for a moment) but where is the brave new India? What kind of paper is it when it covers more on Julia Roberts’ wedding where hardly anything was written about the Magsaysay award winner Sandeep Pandey?
The paper boasts about being “branded” as the highest circulating English newspaper but I believe that this changing picture might prove detrimental for its position.
(The idea of writing this to the TOI doesn’t sound fruitful because in spite of receiving several letters it hasn’t made any amendments)