What do you call a newspaper that has;
a) super models in the second page and all the important news tucked somewhere in the middle?
b) Except the headlines, all the front page content is utter rubbish?
c) The quality of the articles is abysmally low, And the associated picture has nothing to do with the news item?
d) Something that shamelessly promotes the times group... Is used majorly for advertising indiatimes.com, or timesjob.com or radio mirchi...
e) In short - Something that would put a tabloid to shame?
Yes.. Obviously - Times of India!
5 years back that I came into contact with this newspaper, I have found it the most silliest newspaper ever. The quality of presentation is bad.. Fine, forgiven. But the selection of news is even worse. Much less said about the Pune Times (or Bombay times , Delhi times... anything)
Hailing from the south where one is regularly used to reading The Hindu and Indian Express, this one came as a shock to me. Esp when the put unrelated studies conducted in the US which analyzed the silliest of things in the front page. The only solace is that it comes at only 1.50 per copy thus when you are totally in a mood not to give any tension to your bheja you can pick up this copy. Otherwise, I wonder how this paper sells.
Caution.. Do not leave this paper lying around, esp if u have kids. Some of the content needs severe scanning and may not be fit for kids to read.
Hindu crossword!! Man that is standard! TOI crossword seems so stupid even for amatures. Like the rest of the paper, this is highly substandard.
The only one thing that I enjoy reading in this newspaper is the editorial segment, and the mindtree segment in which spiritual quotes from all the religions on one theme are jotted down.And of course the comic strips.
There are much better newspapers available which are doing a much much better job. TOI is one paper whose subscription should be avoided esp in families. Just because of the deep pockets of the organisation, TOI believes it can get away by dishing out crap in the form of news.