I first read Times of India (henceforth referred to as "TOI") in January 1999. It was a cold morning, when I got the copy of TOI for the very first time on my hands. Being a regular "The Hindu" reader until then, I was disgusted at the quality of reporting. But slowly, I got accustomed to TOI. But today, it is sad to see that TOI is not interested in reporting most important headlines! Recently, there was an accident (a railway accident), which was serious enough that ALL newspapers (except TOI) had put up the news in the front page with maximum importance. I was shocked to see that TOI had infact put up the news as a "box" item in one of the internal pages! The front page had news of some film actor doing something somewhere!
Recently when Salman was in Jail, TOI had covered it with maximum importance. It this called "Reporting". Eversince TOI launched Mumbai Mirror, I personally feel that the value of TOI is not more than the old paper used by Channa wallahs! It is high time the editors at TOI understand the value of reporting "news" rather than filling all Gossips and publish stories of themselves glorifying them to the fullest.