We have been subscribing Times of India , Bangalore edition from the 1987 when it used to be called The Times. Over the years, in particular over the last few years one can find a steady decline in the quality of news, write up and also glorification of the subject and the person behind it.
Suddenly, one start attaching motives to such news items since the write up fails to convince the reader. This trend has increased in the recent years and in the last few months it is worse and some times you start questioning the honesty of news! which in fact is the bottom line for any paper.
Then, coming to Sunday times supplement, Men & Women, this 4 or 6 sheet spread takes exactly 2 minutes to go through. The people who are being discussed, 90% of them dont identify with us, the remaining 10% are pretty mediocre and doesnt need any attention. This doesnt add any value to your learning, and probably, there are people in TOI who think that Sunday is meant for relaxation! and infact that is what you are left to do with this MEN and Women. Of course, the Ads are glossy and good! thats about how the Sunday goes, outright boring. Tried, to inform TOI about this, but to no avail.
Then comes, our great Bangalore Times, filled with ads and some heros and heroines, if people say that it is for the young, let me confess that I am not old either. There is hardly any burning issue of Bangalore addressed. It is basically some riff/roff.
These set of people should change, which I know is not easy.
I have now added Deccan Herald along with TOI to my morning diet of breakfast and coffee. It is now started looking brighter.
Friends at TOI, Bangalore, pull up your socks folks!