I dont call it as a news paper.because it has nothing. Only some filthy items like cricket and hindi movies are there. I dont know how those persons working in this newspaper learnt english. I felt english speaking persons would have something in their brains. But I think these people are nutts. As this newspaper is cheap you can buy and use it for cleaning in toilet. For reading you better buy hindu or indian express.
This newspaper should be completely redesigned, front page major political, economical important or some natural wonder photographs they should put. They should remove all bolly wood items. Sports should be driven to the last page. Only one page. Editorial page should be redesigned.
Speaking tree should be uprooted. Letters should be printed better with good page setting. Letters on sports and movies should be given least importance. Times vote--------- topic should be something relevent and useful to the contry and people. For example whether iswaryas acting in that movie is good or bad? or wether dravid will score 100 in the next match are should be completely avoided.
Thank you.