Readers of The Times of India must definitely be feeling "on a new High" since yesterday(14/8/2007);what with Sharukh - King Khan himself associating with the TOI - DO initiativeand exhorting the youth to " do in the next ........ days" what we, as a nation, have failed to accomplish in SIXTY YEARS of "independence".
I personally, must admit getting a HIGH until I turned over the "fine print" to see that the campaign has been launched some 6-1/2 years too late.
Or, is it that the British shouldhave , on their own, decided to "QUIT INDIA" in 1939.Unfortunate , ........ "rhetoric", on my part, wouldve been avoided but for insisting on"a minimum 150 words".
Believe me, I am a man of few words. And, perhaps, thats whyI never could become a journalist - in spite of heredity / pedigree.HOWEVER, and that is what this report is all about :doesnt everybody remember the old quote : "Charity begins at Home".So, let US - the readers - launch a parallel campaign ..
I am definitely looking forward to active participation by what I believe are "a sizable number"of educated and proactive TOI readers. SuriCEODestination Excellence