Look at the front page of Times Of India on a typical day and you will see one semi nude picture of a blonde, headlines on how indians managed to be at 7th place out of 13 teams in the only damn game they play, one headline on which film star is dating with whom, one headline with the word SEX in big font, one headline on some spicy politics and one headline which disgraces a person after his death when he is no longer here in this world to defend himself. Times of India must have hired editors from filmfare , criketworld or some other tabloid magazine. The editors at TOI would not have slightest idea of what people mean by social responsibility.
I have never seen a news on the front page which can bring some positive effect on the minds of people. What about all the good work that is being done in India.
Programmes to educate and feed poor children never managed to get a place in the newspaper. As a newspaper with so many subscribers it can bring a positive revolution by highlighting some good work and thus inspiring people to do something similar.