Well to call it the Tabloid of India is very apt. The TOI does not reserve the right to be called a paper by any standards. All you get to know from it is which actor is going out with whom or which politician is sleeping with whom. And again it is very polarised. It indulges in favoritism of a specific party. We can imagine how much dirty money is being paid to the paper. You cannot get any useful information. Everything is colorfully dramatised and looks more like an eyewash than a newspaper. The paper is basically targetting people looking for cheap thrills and not meant for either children or adults. It is the paper for the misinformed, jobless characters who read this stuff to get their kicks who have no obligation towards either the society or the Indian values. I think it is better they shift to UK.. They would probably like these kind of tabloids. Well I do not think they will succeed there either as the paper is just good for nothing. The only fit place for the Times of India is in the editors dustbin. It would still be gross injustice to the dustbin to deal with that kind of crap.