Years ago in 1975, when I was 10 years old I was politely requested by my grandfather to pick up a copy of the TOI and read any paragraph of my choice.Flummoxed by his unusual request, I went ahead because no one dared to question him.Then he told me to refer to a dog eared dictionary which we kept in the house for any difficulties I faced while reading the para concerned.This is how he inculcated in me a love for newspapers and reading.As far as I know the TOI has had a say in my day to day dealings with everyone.My moment of joy came when TOI decided to give the readers the BOMBAY TIMES SECTION.You see TOI has the reputation of being a very serious newspaper but the BOMBAY TIMES changed all that.Now , I would like to make a point very clear here, that is the TOI is not here for charitable purposes.They are here also to make money, besides doing responsible newsreporting.If, once in a while they happen to put a photo of a semi nude female there is no cause for an uproar.Where issues of children seeing restricted material is concerned I can safely say that children are more advanced in procuring unwanted knowledge than we were in our times.Anyone who tries to disbelieve this fact is having an ostrich like attitude.I feel that the TOI is doing a tremendous job in dispensing knowledge, knowhow, news and information of every type through its illustrious pages.long live the TOI for giving us THE GOOD TIMES.