Not long back, TOI meant and displayed Quality. But oflate, in its sudden rush to increase its questionable statistics of reach, the Quality factor has taken a back seat. But then practically every daily has to do some kind of media goof up or gimmick to catch the eye of the customer, who has oflate become very very choosy and very demanding!!! In these times of very cheap Internet and communications, the life of print media is always in a precarious condition.
The Times of India has undergone a lot of changes these days. Changed its size to internationally small-sleek-slender, did a little dilly-dallying with price and adding some more pages to it in terms of supplements. But still the quality has lost its ground.
There were days when advertisements in TOI were limited in space, but now are the days when we see full page advertisements!!! News content has reduced, and glamour and slipshod comedy and mockery has taken the front seat. The Delhi Times, well the first and the last page are more catering to Bollywood and the scandals!!! The third page refers to the parties in Delhi where the mod and hap people come and chill out!!! News and involvement of the lesser mod and hap, or the ordinary class is no where to be found!!!
Not everything is bad here, the Sunday edition is still somewhat ok, but still it used to be much more bulky in the past. Still the Men and Women classified on Sunday, the Matrimonials on Sunday, the popular and much awaited Ascent on Wednesday, and Education Times on Monday are very nice and informative.
In terms of news content and quality, I personally rate The Hindu as being better than TOI. Its all my perspective!!!