Why should Bob-cat Bobilli be so peeved with Ganguly that he blames him for not winning the toss against Pakistan? Did Bobilli write for Astrological Almanac before joining TOI? One wonders whether this so-called sportswriter has any notion of the game - but seemingly has lot of energy to muster the poison of jingoism into the print with shameless abandon. With a massive score under the belt Dravid (he scored 6 runs ? what about his form?) had to do nothing (a genre perfected by him) but wait for the frightened Pakis to give away the game to Indians.
Is this great captaincy or hogwash of massive proportions catapulted to undeserved attention by festering regional jealousy as exhibited by Bob-cat Bobilli. Are we to read articles meant for obscure Telugu newspapers with a circulation of 2000. Instead of focusing on issues that touch our lives, enlighten our souls or increase our knowledge TOI is diverting our mindset on issues, which may titillate our senses for few seconds but have no worthwhile purpose.
Alas, it is far from being a rational paper but in fact is a hotbed of new age anarchists like Bobilli with deep rooted parochialism that is he refuses to account for Ganguly?s contribution and at the same time trying to divertt attention from Laxman?s pathetic form and bring about a utopian revolution by trying to convert a mouse like Dravid into something furious. By the way where did you that Egyptian Mummy called Prabhu who rambles on of his South Indians colleagues of yore (only exception Sachin of dismal captaincy) and rakes up century old statistics and records and other boring non-relevant details.
It seems that you have resurrected him from some dry well in Chennai for he is not aware of Ganguly. Please bury him again for your own good otherwise your paper will go his way. Actually, a good riddance!