Times of India is Great Reading for its Obituaries, Matrimonial & Job advertisements, Page 3 and of course for commercial advertisements. But if you read the news carefully one will notice Times of India always favors the Rich and the Mighty Politicians, Bureaucrats Commercial establishments and Govt enterprises. It rarely carries any anti establishment articles or news. It is a newspaper out to please everyone mighty so as to reap in good profits and advertisements. What news one gets to read in the Times of India, one can gets to know the same news in most of the TV Channels 24 hours earlier. There was and will be never a Tehelka kind of Investigative article for the times, Nor does TOI try to create any awareness on the problems faced by the common and poor people . Till date there was no serious challenge to this lousy newspaper but with the New Newspapers coming to Mumbai , Readers will have an option. Hope they do not become another Times of India with their ever corrupt journalist who will want us to read thier planted/bought out stale news.