Times of India is Indias largest selling english daily, but I would say regional language papers are far superior both in content and reach. The TOI is not a newspaper any more. It has reached till tabloid level. Anyway there are not many alternatives.
The alternatives are either too small or trying to protect their own turf. So here we are stuck with a paper that wont do anything less glamoruos than miss India contest and we have to read how our nth representation at miss world came at no 11. Add to it that other business interests shamelessly promoted. The onle supplements worth looking at are ascent and if you are unmarried then matrimonial.
Anybody who wants something worthwhile, or someone who wants to read news for decission making is always disappointed.I hope in some near future they will find their way and make it one of the best newspapers in world. But now thinking is that if it sells it is best. I hope it will change.