I started watching this film yesterday, and as you might have guessed from the title of the reivew my now( as I did within first 5 mins of the movie), its a scene to scene copy( with our good old bollywood masaala ofcourse) of a couple of years old Hollywood flick "Derailed"(starring Jennifer Aniston).
Now I am not against remakes, but atleast I feel the desi movie makers should acknowledge the fact that they are infact stealing the story( blatantly at that) and give credit to the original makers. De-Railed itself was not a very great movie I personally rated it average. So watching its bollywood remake with the pathetic acting, mini skirt flaunting ladies for no reason and the absolutely needless and fake looking mush and sleaze ofcourse, couldnt quite encourage me to go all the way. I do not think I would want to torment myself again and try and watch this film completely.
Cant help but think that couldnt these guys take a leaf out of "Bheja Fry" makers book and make a classy remake. For the un-initiated, Bheja Fry is a again a scene to scene copy of the french movie "The Dinner Game". But then it has been made so well, and a lot of folks would swear by it:)
Hardcore HIndi movie buffs might still want to give "The Train" a shot but here is my two cents on this movie - If you really are intersted in the story line and some edge of the seat stuff( only a litttle though) go and watch Derailed. Its much more smartly dorected and only 90 mins long!:)
Happy viewing.