The ugly truth is one such movie ull call a vaste when u see that in in place like pvr gold ambience mall gurgaon, wish I had opted for a better movie.
It is all about that romantic comedies are all these things, including stupid, by definition, and using such words to describe them is really just to abandon the game altogether.
The Ugly Truth is actually formula number three in the romantic comedy playbook. Abby produces a morning news show at a television station in Sacramento. She is very “power, ” and she’s a control freak. In a general way, she has trouble finding Mr. Right. Mike has a show on cable access which he uses to voice his semi-misogynistic, male chauvinist views.
By a twist of fate, Mike ends up with a short spot on Abby’s show, and she naturally hates him. One thing leads to another, and they end up making a bet. The bet is that if Abby follows Mike’s advice exactly, he guarantees that she will land new neighbor hunk Colin.
At this point, you probably know everything that’s going to happen, including all the little twists and turns. The Ugly Truth is like the vast majority of romantic comedies, it is largely forgotten even before it ends.