Some people might label this movie as one which falls under the category of a Romantic Comedy. How wrong they are!
Fact of the matter is this, this is one horrible, pathetic, annoying, disgusting and frankly boring waste of an hour and a half of your life. And of the few hundred bucks that you would spend on watching it in the theater.
Hmmm... so maybe it is worth watching on DVD... or renting it out when nothing else new is available? Stop right there, please, if you want a good romantic comedy, please see something better, as there are a lot of choices in that category to rent. Hitch, What Women Want, Bridget Jones Diary, Youve Got Mail among others.
In my view, there are 3 golden rules that a romantic comedy has to follow to be nice:
a. It should not offend your significant other (or you)
b. It should be fun, with a few laughs (of course)
c. There should be some chemistry and romance in it (duh!)
I am pleased to say that, like Made of Honor last year, this movie also fails to score a tick on any of the three categories listed above.
On the face of it, you may not see why this should be the case. After all, it has a good looking cast, Gerard Butler (Think King Leonidas from 300), and Katherine Heigl (Greys Anatomy), two people who cant stand each other, but well, get along together at the end. Simple, no?
The basic story goes as such, Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl) is a romantically challenged morning show producer whose search for Mr. Perfect has left her hopelessly single. Shes in for a rude awakening when her bosses team her with Mike Chadway (Gerard Butler), a hardcore TV personality who promises to spill the ugly truth on what makes men and women tick.
So, Mike, like all good stereotypes, think that men think in their trousers, and women in their heads. No wonder then, that teaming him with Abby is like Fire and Ice.
But sparks dont fly, as the story dovetails into utter crassness and dialogues which would make you cringe. The references to sexual innuendos occur almost every minute of the movie. Its like the director wanted it to be raunchy, well, if not in the physical aspect, at least in the dialogues delivered. It makes the use of explicitives in the hangover seem positively saintly in comparison.
However, that is not the movies only problem. It is in the lead characters. Butler is crass as a romantic leading man. Has a voice as gruff as a rhino half the time, and is someone you wish they remove from the screen in a minute or less. Heigl on the other hand, has to play a television producer, but those delivery of dialogues is so poor that the term Dumb Blonde screams out repeatedly.
Also, there is no chemistry, none... let me repeat that.... NONE, even at the very end when they have to hook up. Well, thats a let down, isnt it... but then, given that most of the movie is bad already, it needs no further explanation.
The Times of India reviewer gave this movie Three and a Half Stars on Five. I think thats because the reviewer was drunk while watching the movie. Three and a Half... on Hundred would be more appropriate.
In the end I would say this... If you are checking up on the local theater timings in your city and are contemplating The Ugly Truth, may I implore you, Please DONT DO IT. See District 9, see Quick Gun Murugan, Have a Nice Lunch or Dinner, rent out any other movie. Please, save yourself from this movie.... if you care about yourself and your friends / spouses well being.
Movie Details:
Directed By: Robert Luketic
Starring: Katherine Heigl
Gerard Butler
Run Time: 96 Mins
Rated: A