It’s been a while now since I watched some really old movie and the 2 decade old ‘Untouchables’ I must say proved to be more than a pleasant comeback for me into the arena. Well, it’s a film full of action, purpose and drama and I suppose must have made it big at the time of its release , especially considering the quality star cast it had to go with the kind of theme which’ll attract most viewers.
The Untouchables
Kevin Costner: aka Eliot Ness
Sean Connery: aka Jim Malone
Charles Martin Smith: aka Agent Oscar Wallace
Andy Garcia: aka Agent George Stone
Robert DeNiro: aka AL CAPONE
What’s it about? – The Untouchables Vs. Al Capone
The movie is set around the time, just somewhere about 1930 when the prohibition acts prevalent in Chicago made the competitors in the business of selling and trading unauthorized alcohol resort to unscrupulous means, controlling their monopoly with violence, maiming and killing. The master of the trade here was none other than lord of all ganglords, Al Capone . Most people in the police, and in every department in the government are either owned or bribed by this sly crook who doesn’t care how he gets his work done. The question is not where he and when he carries out his dirty work for the aspiring crusaders but who can stand upto him.
This movie is about one such crusader, Eliot Ness , a treasury officer who decides to take up the challenge. However, it doesn’t take him long to realize the hopelessness of his cause as he gradually realizes how far and wide Capone’s reach is, who has his faceless men swarming everywhere. That is until he comes across a sane veteran, Malone , an accountant Wallace and an aspiring cop Stone. They aka ‘The Untouchables’, with a certain others whom they can trust go about the task of busting Capone’s racket with some degree of initial success. But to overthrow Capone himself is no child’s play as Ness realizes as he puts himself into a situation where his family, his friends’ lives are on the line, as he treads deeper yet into Capone’s shady dealings. How long will Ness hold his nerve under pressure? Will it be a cakewalk or quite the opposite for him? Or will he have to lose much to attain what he wants to achieve? Find out these exciting answers yourself… better alternative really, if you ask me!
Kevin Costner does less than a fantastic job but laudable all the same with his unsure but passionate demeanor. One can see both his pain and will to succeed in various situations.
Andy Garcia was a very welcome presence on screen with his free flowing but to the point style of going about his business no matter how intense circumstances were.
Martin Smith makes for a funny personality, who adds a touch of humor to anything he sets upon doing and no matter what he does, he eventually has to bring in accountancy into it .Nice role played by him!
Sean Connery for me was the best of the lot of the ‘Untouchables’. With his omniscient disposition he was one who seemed in control in most of his roles and the one with the biggest sense of purpose. He may been in a supporting role but he definitely stole some of Costner’s thunder.
DeNiro does a perfect Al Capone as must have been expected of him , he being a symbol for such roles. But I must say we should’ve had more of him in the big picture .I did feel we don’t get enough of him in the film.
Another feather in the cap for Mr. DePalma here, very well directed and balanced in the events although the incident between Costner and Capone’s thug towards the end was a bit stretched out.And overall a nicely executed work having all the essentials of an enticing drama.
1.Well, there is nothing special about the circumstances under which the film has been shot, only thing special being the effect it’ll have on you – that’s right it leaves you feeling full in a positive way.
2.However I did feel it was more of Ness going after Capone rather than Capone showing us why he has the effect of everyone shuddering at the mention of his name. He should’ve been more offensive than defensive is a nice way to put it!
3.There’s a bit of a question mark regarding how Malone gets his friend to spill the whereabouts of the bookkeeper, or how did his friend know so much in the first place. Even if he was one of Capone’s spies it doesn’t make much sense that in spite of knowing it Malone didn’t turn him in earlier since he has been shown to be so self righteous.
4.This film has its fair share of bloodshed by anyone and everyone. So, if you are not too hot on gory scenes maybe you should consider not watching it!
5.I thought the scene at the station towards the end when Ness waits for the bookkeeper was especially well played out. Credit to the director here, he built up such suspense that I was literally urging the movie to pour forth what was actually going to happen and before I knew it did happen and didn’t disappoint as is mostly the case.
6.Again, not many ambiguities here and there in the plot. Everything connects up pretty well leaving no real room for major doubts to creep in.It clings to its primary theme throughout.
7.There are some surprises here and there in the sense there are situations where you might believe something would happen as is common but the improbable but not impossible does happen, which is a refreshing change for every viewer.
All in all, an entertaining watch. I was certainly glued to the film while I watched it and am very sure most others would be too. Don’t make the mistake of giving this one a miss. I almost had!