M. Night Shymalan is back with another gem of a movie. The Village is a very nicely made movie. The sets and locations have a very authentic feel about them. The atmosphere and ambience is very well created.
If you have seen any of M. Night Shyamalans prevoius movies, you will realise how difficult it is to write a review without revealing the plot, but ill try to keep the plot out of my review.
The performance of the cast is good. Bryce Dallas Howard is exceptional in the movie.
The Village has a very good concept, and does keep one interested for a long time. The uncanny ability of Shyamalan to send shivers down the spines of the viewers is once again felt in the movie. But I really felt that a little more of frightening would have made the movie that much better.
There are the usual twists and turns, probably not as shocking as the jolt one gets at the end of The Sixth Sence, but enough to keep your eyes glued to the screen, not willing to take them off for fear of missing anything.
The movie is somewhat slow paced, but very focussed, never straying from the plot for more than a couple of minutes.
The only drawback that I could see is that you wouldnt want to watch it again for quite some time, because the suspense just wouldnt be there.