Hi im trying to give an update of escaflone, so please listen! Itll be short sweet and to the point. Alright!
I really havent seen all of escaflone, but most all of it.
The main char. are Van and Hitomi, who are totally in love. Allen the 22 yr old man who seeks it all sorta liked Hitomi at first, or maybe he was just using her.. Anyway, Van is a cool young man who has a nice lookin claymore, may I add. Hitomi is the bigest(AND I MEAN BIGGEST) Airhead compared to Selphie Tilmitt or Lilka Elniak(FF8 and Wild arms 2) and I think that she has no brain. In Escaflone-KidoButoshi on SNES, she sucks as a pilot in LV 2-1. Take it from me, DONT USE HER IN LV2-1! Anyway, im getting rapped up in all that bullcrap. I would highly recommend Escaflone to all, cause the story is unique, like no other, and the voices and char. are tight. Hitomis biggest challenge would be to cut cheese with her brain... Damn! Im getting rapped up in hitomi again! Oh well... If anyone gets the chance to read this, please update me on that catgirls name. Like I said, I just got hooked on it. I cant really say much on the first epesode, because youve read the first review already, and take it from me, that review is GREAT! My kid brother got on my ID and rated un-recommended. Im terribly sorry!
Van, Hitomi, (GRRRR) , Allen, and the catgirl are all good char. but the best is Escaflone! The way its built... The graphics.....and best of all the action! I love it so far, and may update this review even more in the future.