I am watching The Walking Dead Season 8 episode 11. And the series is going awesome with negan.
When rick wake up from the coma after long time the deads awakes and they feed on livings not most of there alive. And rick try to find his family while there he find a guy who named morgon and his son.
Acting of the ever character is so good and specifically who else act as deads they were too good at there job. Its looks so real like they are dead. The killing bloods thats all are looks so cool.
The Plot of the story is humans are trying to survive in the world among the deads around them. They have to survive for food, water and the stay too and some enemys who try to steel there food and weapons.
Mass Appeal of the serial is so good looking awesome and the rick act as heroic and I loved the negative act of negan which appear in season 7 and season 8. He gave his best acting in his character.
Look & Feel of the serial is so real life and my own opinion is dont watch the serial while you eat.