Well it comes in most popular TV shows when rating is concerned.Walking Dead is based on comic book series by Robert kirkman.The plot basically revolves around a group of survivor led by police officer led by Rick Grimes after a zombie apocalypse spread across USA.This show hits low bottom in every aspect.Writing is not that bad but acting makes it pretty bad.
The genre is horror but it is bit too bloody horror.Lot of violent scenes and lot of bloodshed will not make you shiver in fear but rather it makes you throw in your mouth.It seems the show runner has completely forgotten the original book and it doesnt stay true to its adaptation. Despite of all this the show has become very popular and has large fan base and Im unable to figure out why.It is awful and most overrated product I have ever seen.
There is another very successful show on CW in same genre called SUPERNATURAL and it best show you have in horror genre.The show deals with two brothers saving the world from vengeful spirits, folklore legends and angel-demon driven apocalypse.it is been on air for 11 years now and has very strong fanbase.so if you love horror then dont waste your time on Walking Dead.have some SUPERNATURAL fun.